What Time is It?

There are two Greek words translated as “time” in the New Testament.  Chronos is chronological time, the passing of the hours, days and years. Kairos is qualitative time, or opportune time – the characteristic of a moment or a movement.  When Jesus announces, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand” (Mark 1:15), it’s kairos.

We all tend to worry about the passing of time (chronos) and the difficulties of the current time (kairos), and the anxiousness of the coming time (kairos).  We develop practices which help us be efficient and effective with chronos.  We must have wisdom, insight, and faith to respond well to kairos.  An awesome message of the Bible is God saying “I’ve got this. I’ve got you. Trust me.”  Living in the truth of that message is how we recognize the kairos in our lives.  Truly, we were all born for such a time as this.