What Does Procrastination Tell You

I procrastinate too much.  I put things off. 

I’m learning to use procrastination as a diagnostic opportunity.  In my experience, there are three most common reasons I don’t act on what I know to do.

Sometimes I’m simply immature.  The “I don’t wanna” voice is loud.  Laziness and distraction are winning.  The solution?  Acknowledge it, preach to myself, and move forward.  The old “set a timer for 5 minutes and get started” trick is helpful here.

Sometimes I’m fearful.  There is a necessary moment of confrontation, or confession. I’m anticipating significant discomfort.  There’s no going around, only through. The solution?  Buck up and do what’s needed.  Be prepared for the moment. 

Sometimes I don’t know how to do something, or am missing some key information or insight.  It’s simpler to pause and find excuses.  The solution?  Translate vagueness to clarity. Figure  out exactly what’s missing or unknown, and then take action to resolve that, one step at a time.

What’s your experience?