The Beauty of Untimely Blooms

My home office window looks out to a large gardenia bush.  I’m reliably informed that it should flower once annually each Spring, a massive display of white flowers that practically cover all the greenery.  This bush does indeed bloom like this.  But it also sends out occasional blooms at other times.  Sometimes just one or two.  One day in late August I counted 21 blooms.  Today there are 9 blooms.

This encourages me.  God can make something bloom “at the wrong time” and be beautiful.  I’m not in charge of Creation (though I’m commanded to help steward it as a co-ruler with God).  An “untimely” flower in the hottest and driest time in the Florida panhandle brings joy.  Perhaps this is a picture of what God is doing amidst what appear to us as worrisome and stressful times.