Self-Assessment Guide

Self-Assessment Guide – print a copy and tuck in your Bible for daily use

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.”  (1 Cor 16:13-14)

Be on your guardHave I been on guard? What have I noticed?  Where do I need to pay more attention today?
Stand firm in the faithDid I stand firm in the faith yesterday?  Where did my faith rub against the world?  What challenges can I anticipate for today, and how will I respond?
Be courageousDid I make any courageous decisions yesterday?  To what extent did I just go along with things?  What courageous decision might I face today?  Have I imagined how I will respond in that moment?
Be strongWhere did I use my strength, and the strength of the Lord yesterday?  Where was I successful in self-control? What will I do today to increase my strength? 
Do everything in agape loveDid I experience agape love yesterday, and share it?  Were there any times I was aware of God’s love for others around me?  What will I do today to be a better agape lover?

God has no confidence in you. He has perfect confidence in Himself working in and through you.  Put your trust in Him.  He loves you just as you are but is not content to leave you there. He is never far away.  He is always working.