I’m Getting off Twitter & Facebook

I’m done with Twitter and will no longer post regularly on Facebook.

For many years now I’ve used Facebook and Twitter to share what I hope are useful and encouraging quotes, verses, links to articles, and birthday congratulations. It’s been nice to learn things about others, too, especially old friends and contacts who I no longer see in person. I’ve been grateful for the tools.

What’s changed in my view?

These are private companies who can set their own rules. I understand that they aren’t charging me directly for the tools, which means “I am the product” they are selling. Both companies have blocked friends for opaque reasons. There’s abundant evidence that their algorithms highly favor and amplify some content. These are not unbiased platforms for communication. The reality is that a subset of what I publish will not reach my followers.

I also find I’m overly attracted to checking these sites. I have been guilty of fixating too much attention on what gets liked, and what doesn’t. Stepping back will help me.

I will continue to produce content designed to encourage and edify. But I’m going to do this on platforms I control, for people who opt-in to say “I want to read what Glenn shares,” without algorithmic bias in the middle. I’m going to add much more content into my free weekly newsletter. (Sign up in the right side-bar.)

I will continue to use LinkedIn for professional reasons. I’ll still participate in some of the Facebook groups where I’m an active member.

I will miss seeing all the personal news and good commentary, but accept the tradeoff for the larger personal benefit.


Sign me up!

Thanks, Cami 🙂