Idols or Addictions?

The first time I studied 1 John to really understand it, I was puzzled by the closing sentence: “Little children, keep yourselves from idols.”  It’s the only time the word ‘idols’ appears in the whole letter.  After a while I realized he was writing about idols all along without using that word.

Idols are anything we worship which is out of step with the true character of God.  Everyone will worship something (and likely many things) because humans are designed to worship and serve. 

We don’t use the language of idols much except when we’re speaking in “Christianese” to others who are also fluent in Christianese.

Perhaps we should consider using the word ‘addiction.’  That resonates today.  We have both good and bad addictions.  Humans are neurologically prone to addiction.  The pleasure and pain reinforcement loops are incredibly powerful, even though we have agency and will.  Everyone has at least tasted of the power of addiction. Therefore, we have a long-suffering sympathy for addicts who try and try and try again to escape a life-stealing addiction.

We can foster good addictions. Addictions to smiles, hugs, laughter, simple rhythms.  Addictions to good books and rich stories.  Addictions to simpler foods and plain water.  Addictions to walking and movement and flexibility.  Addictions to praise and worship of the One who is Worthy.