Don’t Fall in Love with Your Plans

“The A Team” was a hit TV show in the 1970’s.  Every week our heroes would execute an elaborate plan to save somebody and beat the bad guys. Hannibal Smith, the leader, would say “I love it when a plan comes together” while chomping on his cigar.  Plans always work out on TV.

The British and the French military leaders anticipated war with Germany in the decade before (what we call) WW1.  They developed elaborate plans, covering every logistical angle. They had train time tables for moving troops, how many shells were needed at which artillery locations, the food for the horses used to pull equipment – all of it.  In detail. They had gorgeous charts. They were superbly confident that the war would last no more than 30 days.  Six months later they were still furiously updating the foundational ideas of their original plans.

Planning is important.  Planning is crucial.  Don’t fall in love with your plans.  Don’t build detailed plans for anything more than two weeks ahead. Know what you want to achieve, move aggressively – squeeze out the chronological delays where you can – for results, and adjust, adjust, adjust.  Pivot when reality intrudes.