DiSC and Maturity

You might be familiar with DiSC assessment of your working style – Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliance.  There are similar kinds of assessment tools with different names for the 4 basic types.  All these assessments have their origins in research Willian Moulton Marston published in 1928, and in the writings of Empodocles (Earth, Fire, Air, Water) in 444 B.C.  These are valuable assessments because you can learn about your default working styles and ways you prefer to interact with others. 

Important: The assessment tells you nothing about your maturity.  Pride and immaturity are at the root of most of the worst problems interacting with others. 

I encourage you know your DiSC profile.  Be willing to adapt your preferred style for the sake of the larger mission and for others.  Professionals don’t accept jerks (“He’s just a D and can’t help being arrogant”) or passivity when someone should be contributing (“He’s a C and is uncomfortable bringing his analysis forward unless invited”).  Let’s help one another.