Defining Political Conservatism

Definitions matter. What do I mean when I say that I’m politically conservative?  Conserving what’s precious. Here is what I believe:

  • Our individual rights come from God, not from man
  • The purpose of government is supportive in citizen’s lives, rather than intrusive and overbearing: maintain law & order, defend citizens in war, promote free trade
  • Freedom of speech regardless of content
  • Freedom of assembly and association
  • Freedom of thought, including religious belief
  • Character and behavior are far more significant than inherent characteristics like race and gender

(I do not list free-market capitalism as a conservative belief, though it has done more to lift billions of people out of poverty than any other economic system.  All economic systems can be corrupted because men are not angels.  Free-market capitalism is a good outgrowth of conservative beliefs.)

My observation is that progressives do not hold these principles.  They elevate the State’s power in determining who gets what rights. They actively speak and act against free speech, free assembly, and freedom of thought.  They generally favor larger and more intrusive government as solution to an escalating set of problems.  Progressives use inherent characteristics as primary identifiers and value them above character and achievements.  

There is a weak correlation between political parties and conservative/progressive beliefs.  Not all Republicans are conservative; not all Democrats are progressive. 

My conviction: Holding to conservative beliefs about people and government is the best hedge against slipping into far left communism or far right fascism.