Celebrating Matthias

Christians are fond of the story of the thief crucified with Jesus, who believes in Jesus and is told, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.”  Great story of salvation by grace!  Multitudes of people who did scummy things identify with this nameless guy.

We should also celebrate the story of Matthias in Acts 1.  Jesus didn’t select Matthias as one of his 12 Apostles. We’re told Matthias has been a faithful follower for years and is a witness of the resurrection.  He’s selected to replace Judas by roll of the dice over another equally qualified disciple named Justus. Matthias is never mentioned again in the New Testament.  There are different traditions (some conflicting) about him ministering in Ethiopia and Jerusalem. 

Here’s the story of a pretty good guy, JV team at best, who gets to be called one of the 12 Apostles.  We have his name.  That’s a great story, too, and easy for many to identify with.  I’d like to know more about Justus, too.