Bullies and Responses

Common tactics of bullies:

  • Making false accusations and spreading rumors
  • Non-verbal intimidation
  • Making fun of a person’s feelings or behaviors
  • Holding people to different standards
  • Creating a scapegoat; nothing is ever their fault
  • Singling out a target with a crowd at their back
  • Name-calling and labeling
  • Encouraging a person to quit
  • Destroying property, or sabotaging work
  • Skilled at playing the victim when cornered

Behaviors which encourage bullies:

  • Being passive and compliant
  • Adopting their image of you
  • Leaders letting known bullying go unchallenged, unchecked

Standing against bullies:

  • Don’t allow their words and deeds to become your self-image
  • Remember their three most common drivers:  They see you as a threat.  They hate themselves. They secretly want to be you.
  • Stand firm on rights and principles
  • Act fearlessly.  Cowards may bluff but will retreat in the face of courage.
  • Don’t return evil for evil

Wait a sec… did you think I was talking about children