Technology is advancing at an exponential pace, disrupting the old and forcing us to adapt to changing rules. Social and political changes happen like tectonic events, building up tensions and then sudden releases. Yet people are still fundamentally people. How do you live wisely — even thrive — in these difficult times?
You must be both bold and gentle. Nothing advances without boldness. Gentleness is strength under control. Boldness without gentleness leads to tyranny. Gentleness without boldness cannot tap into our potential. The combination of boldness and gentleness is wisdom.
I wrote this book for my adult children, but everyone will benefit from connecting ancient wisdom and new opportunities.
In the book I:
Characterize our current exponential change environment
Explain why Bold and Gentle wisdom is needed
Give advice on specific dimensions of living in a Bold and Gentle way
Outline detailed foundation information about AI, Education, Climate Change, Politics & Economics
Describe the 5 great challenges they’ll face in the next 50 years
There is a link in the book to a collection of free resources — bonus chapters, recommended books and podcasts, and more.
I asked one man for feedback early on. He is practically the polar opposite from me — he doesn’t like to read, says he’s an atheist, advocates for socialism. He told me “You haven’t sold me on God but this book is a gem. Every part has depth. I’m getting copies for my lazy butt nephew and my cousin.”