Bits of Insight

People talk about “half-assed” efforts, but what would “full-assed” effort look like?

I’d like to see “Time happens” on a bumper sticker.

It’s amazing what a little bit of silliness does to refresh the day.

“Distracted from distractions by distractions” – a line from T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets – nicely sums up a big chunk of most people’s day.

If you want to influence people, know what they idolize.  If you want to avoid being manipulated, let only a few know what you idolize. 

A trait common to the people I most admire:  They never whine.

Many people would be wise if they didn’t think they already were.  When was the last time you heard someone lament about their deep foolishness?

The contrarian is not automatically the smartest person in the conversation.

It’s significant that Jesus commanded his disciples to be innocent as doves AND wise as serpents.

Wisdom is knowing what to do when there is no established rule.