Be on the 5 Side of 95/5 Distribution

I refer to 80/20 frequently.  Distributions are not always 80/20; sometimes we observe 70/30, or 95/5. 

Inequity along any given dimension – athletic skill, access to a resource, particular technical skills, ability to persuade, personal health and wealth, etc – will happen.  Every historical example where people have tried to create uniform results across a population of people have failed spectacularly.  We’ve had much more success at creating equity in opportunities. 

The digitization of most elements of modern living has accelerated the power of network effects.  That means that 80/20 becomes 95/5, and even 98/2. 

You and I don’t have to like this reality, but we’re foolish to fight it. 

Do everything you can to be in the 5% on aspects of life which matter to you.   Most importantly, decide how to be a “benevolent dictator” when you get there, and use your standing for good.  Think of it as a stewardship responsibility.

Metaphor: waves in the ocean.  If you can get on the front side of the wave, the energy will carry you a very long way with almost no additional effort on your part.  That’s what being in the 5% is like.  Once you slip to the back side of the wave, it races away from you so fast you cannot catch it.  Make your plan to catch another wave.

HT: This article was inspired by comments from Perry Marshall