A Prayer About Anger

Anger has been a lifelong companion, and constantly seeks to rule me. This is a prayer I have used in recent years:


Precious God, thank you for making me in Your image — slow to anger, seeking justice, and full of self-control.

I trust You because You have sovereign power over all the universe.

Thanks for giving me the emotion of anger so that I can be alert to what is not right, and respond rightly.

Thanks for saving me from slavery to anger, which always seeks to rule me. You and you alone are my ruler.

I rejoice that You have already brought me far and kept me safe. I’m not yet what I will be by Your grace and power, so please continue to shape me into Christ-likeness. Thanks for keeping Your promise to complete the work You began in me.

Thanks for the opportunities You give me today to practice discernment and self-control.  Help me to see the gaps between what is and what should be the way that YOU see them.

Thanks for giving me a spirit of self-control and freedom from sin, so that my responses will be pleasing to You. Help me to repent quickly when I fail. I remain confident in Your sustaining power working in me and through me.

May I be a large, clean conduit of Your love and grace today to a world that struggles with anger.

In the beautiful name of Jesus, who was angry but did not sin,
