A “Doing” Problem

I love books. Really, I do. I love searching the web for information. I’m wired to synthesize information from fire hoses of input.

Occasionally this gets me into trouble.

The other morning I felt I was getting nowhere while praying. Felt awful, constrained, artificial, perfunctory. Useless. Thought popped into my mind: “I should find a new book on prayer and read it.”

Later that day I was stuck in writing an article. My outline was right there in front of me and I couldn’t craft two decent sentences. Thought popped into my mind: “I should Google for articles about getting past writer’s block. Or install that new software I heard about from WriteorDie.com.”


I am not missing information. I do not need additional distractions. It’s time to simply recommit to praying, and continuing to practice praying as conversation. I just need the self-discipline to quiet my inner critic, crank out a few sentences (no matter how blecky) and come back another time to edit.
I don’t have a ‘knowing’ problem, but a ‘doing’ problem.