Recommended Christian Books

Recommended Christian books, in no particular order:

The Institutes of Christian Religion (John Calvin)

Sermons of John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, and Charles Spurgeon

Celebration of Discipline (Richard Foster)

Watch Your Walk (Richard Baxter)

Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)

Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices (Thomas Brooks)

In Search of Guidance (Dallas Willard)

City of God (Augustine of Hippo)

Knowing God (J.I. Packer)

My Utmost for His Highest (Oswald Chambers)

The Pursuit of God (A.W. Tozer)

Spiritual Leadership (J. Oswald Sanders)

Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes (Kenneth Bailey)

Cost of Discipleship (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

The Imitation of Christ (Thomas a Kempis)

With Christ in the School of Prayer (Andrew Murray)

The Pilgrim’s Progress (John Bunyan)

The Reason for God (Tim Keller)

The Divine Conspiracy (Dallas Willard)

The Practice of the Presence of God (Brother Lawrence)

Communion with God (John Owen)