When You Hit a Rough Patch

Here’s my advice when (not if) you hit a rough patch:

Talk to yourself more than you listen your inner committee chatter. Feed your mind with what you need to hear, rather than dialing up the volume on doubts and fears.

Own everything within 3 feet of you. Consistently focus on what you can control.  Decide on the vector that is mostly likely to take you to your desired future – then commit to paying the price required.  [This is where many people plateau or get mired for long times – they aren’t willing to consistently pay the price because they’re constantly renegotiating with the world.]

Accept that the outcomes you desire are only partially in your control. However, do not buy into the narrative that you are a victim of circumstances (or class, race, gender, age, etc.). You have agency, so use it.

Note: A rough patch is different than depression.