Using Reminders

It happens frequently – someone mentions a date, an event, an opportunity, a concern.  You think “I need to ask about that later.”  It’s important but fleeting information, easily lost as you go on to the next thing.

Maybe you’re the kind of person who remembers at just the right time.  I almost always fail to remember. I get distracted. 

I let a computer system do the hard part for me.   I use Outlook reminders to bring something back to my attention at just the right time.  It’s an investment of seconds.  Ctrl-Shift-K. Type a reminder, set the date/time, and save.

Some examples:

Mike tells me he is going to see his ailing mother on Friday, and is taking the day off.  I set a reminder for Monday: “Ask Mike re: mom visit.”   

Susan mentions an important meeting on a big issue on Wednesday during her 1:1 with me.  I set a reminder for Wednesday afternoon: “Check in with Susan about meeting yesterday on ___”

A colleague leaves to take a position at another company.  I set a reminder for a month out to drop him a message and check in with him on LinkedIn.

I agreed to visit again next quarter with my boss about an issue.  I set a reminder the first week of the next quarter.  

My direct report promised me a draft presentation by Tuesday next week.  I set a reminder for Tuesday mid-day, “Did ____ send draft presentation as promised?”

Help yourself act on your good intentions.  Use reminders to do what you need to do, at the right time.  

One more benefit:  You free up so much space in your head for creating and planning, because your brain can relax and not try to keep up with all the open loops.