Your Renaissance

I’m anticipating a new renaissance,  based on the history of the Medieval Renaissance:

 1400-1550Our time
Conversation aboutPandemics, plagues, wealth inequality, social norms, the roles of government and citizens, what to preserve from the past and what to jettison for progressPandemics, plagues, wealth inequality, social norms, the roles of government and citizens, what to preserve from the past and what to jettison for progress
Technology revolutionPrinting press (1440) Architecture ArtDigitization & connectivity Medical Materials
New worlds inspiring imagination and creating economic expansionNorth and South AmericaSpace – asteroid mining, colonize the Moon and Mars Virtual environments

Human beings remain fundamentally human beings – deeply flawed, awesome potential.

A key insight: the Medieval Renaissance was led by ordinary people to make extra-ordinary choices about what questions to ask, what new things to study, what to try, what imagination could be made real, and how to use their time.  A very small fraction of the population created a massively different future.

We don’t need a giant renaissance for you to have one.  But if a critical 1% of people do, then the world will experience a new renaissance.
