Common Patterns in Six Revolutions

Study these complex historical events to find patterns:

The French Revolution (1789)
The Bolshevik Revolution (1917)
The Rise of the Third Reich (1943-45)
Mao’s Communist Revolution (1949)
The Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
The Iranian Revolution (1979)

Common patterns:
None of the initial and noble aims for justice were achieved
The energy of the crowds was co-opted by individuals desiring power
Intentional and systematic lies became foundational structures
The meaning of words were radically changed and old standards cast aside
Individualism was suppressed in favor of collectivism
Race and class were emphasized above earned merit
An escalating series of loyalty oaths were instituted
All forms of media were taken over by the state
All religious ideas and practices not sanctioned by the state were persecuted to extinction
The state powers were deeply suspicious of parents and families educating children
Acceptable speech and action were compelled by force
The state encouraged citizens to turn in those who were non-compliant
Many of the early leaders were subsequently eliminated
Economies largely faltered and failed (the exception being Nazi Germany/Austria)