How to Lead Through Challenges

Reminder to self:  Despair is a self-fulfilling prophecy.  It’s not a leadership tool.

A mentor of mine used to say, “You’re either coming out of a crisis or going into one, and the time between is variable.” 

It’s a well-known leadership “trick” to tell folks things like “The whitewater is rough now, but around the bend the river will smooth out.”  It might, but more often, there will be more rapids ahead. 

More effective leadership approaches:

Be plain about current and future challenges.  No sugar-coating.  Don’t promise easy or quick solutions.  Don’t promise things you can’t fully control (e.g., no layoffs, extra benefits). Promise that you’ll be with them.  Help them see a future state of being stronger having come through these difficulties.  Be realistically positive, not falsely cheery.  

Leading at this level will first require excellent self-leadership.  This is where your real work begins.