How to Use a.i. Tools

If ai is artificial intelligence, what’s real intelligence?  Relational intelligence as a social creature, swimming in culture, a profound mix of rational and emotional, capable of both deduction and induction.  None of our digital tools today are capable of inductive reasoning.

Humans appear to operate on two internal ‘computation’ systems.  Daniel Kahneman popularized this in his book Thinking Fast and Slow.  We’re capable of ‘gut’ responses and mental leaps, very quickly, but we can’t articulate how this intuition works.  These fast responses are not always correct, though we like to celebrate the times we got it right.  We also have slower, measured calculation and analysis capability.  We can work through problems and issues.  We can explain how we arrived at our conclusions.

I appreciate this concept (which is not original to me): 

The ai tools are akin to our gut response – fast, often correct but not always, and no one can explain exactly how the result happened.

Therefore, you and I should use ai tools the same way we handle our gut responses when making decisions.  How reversible is the decision if we’re wrong?  What is the cost of being wrong?  Be especially wary of making irreversible, high-cost decisions solely based on a gut response.  If you’re going to gamble, at least have a reasoned component to your gamble.