Defeating the Enemies of Depth

What are the enemies to your aim of becoming a deeper person?

  • Lack of self-care and unbalanced rhythms
  • Consuming low-content media, especially social media. 
  • The 24-hour news and commentary feeding a compulsion to stay informed.  Try fasting from “news” for a few days, and you’ll learn that when something is important you will hear about it. 
  • Trusting the wrong people
  • Associating with people who don’t honor the work required to become a deeper person
  • Wishful thinking and the desire for instant solutions
  • Impatience and arrogance (note how often these go together)
  • The desire to be the noun without doing the verb

How do you overcome the power of these enemies?

  • Consistent practices to pull you towards depth
  • Preach to yourself
  • Make yourself accountable to others
  • Being in community
  • Humility and willingness to begin afresh after a let-down
  • Embracing discomfort
  • Measuring progress (e.g., tracking consecutive days of a good habit)

Not easy, but straightforward.