The 4th Quarter of Your Career

Are you in the 4th Quarter of your career? Roughly, last 10 years of a 40-year career at an organization or in an industry.

Many books and articles are available on getting started well in your new career, and there are many books about mid-career challenges — but very little is said about finishing well. 

At this stage of your career:

  • Some of the colleagues who knew you best are gone.
  • You’re likely more expensive than newer employees.
  • New leaders look more to the future, and tend to discount the past you helped create.
  • There are new personal challenges with medical issues and aging relatives.
  • You begin reporting to people younger and less experienced than you.
  • Technologies and business changes are coming faster and require more adaptation.  What made you successful in the past might be less relevant going forward.
  • The prospects of being laid off before you’re ready weigh heavier when you’re at an age where getting an equivalent job is difficult.
  • You won’t qualify for certain roles because your “runway” is short.

We want to finish strong.  We want to be remembered for excellence and professionalism.

We also want to transition well to our next adventure.  This is a reset in mindset and expectations, in rhythms and practices. It’s much more than figuring out your retirement finances!  This transition requires self-reflection, insights, and planning.  The transition work begins before you submit your final notice. 

I believe that finishing strong and transitioning well in the fourth quarter of your career are two sides of the same coin.  I’d like to learn from others!