Tips for Managing in a Crisis

A few things learned the hard way from managing through crises bigger and smaller:

  • Blame isn’t helpful and steals energy from finding solutions.  Focus on fixing the problem.
  • Swiftly gather advice from others about possible solutions.  You must choose in the end, but do what you can to quickly collect options and ideas.
  • Be direct, tell people what to do. Step down into the weeds.  “Micro-management” is not a bad thing here.  You can delegate work but don’t abdicate the power of specific direction.
  • Overcommunicate.  Minimize the opportunity for people to fill out information gaps with their (usually incorrect) speculation.  And listen.
  • Thank everyone who helped navigate the crisis. 
  • Accept responsibility for how these events affected people, even if it was never “your fault.” Do what you can to go above and beyond to repair relationships and rebuild trust.
  • Debrief and objectively review after an appropriate time for people to rest. Get multiple perspectives, however uncomfortable. Capture lessons learned.  Identify ways to prevent this specific problem from occurring again.