Reminder to Self

Over the years I’ve made notes in my journal with the shorthand label “RTS” – “Reminder to self.”  Here’s a collection of them, in no particular order:

Reminder to self: Money solves money problems.   

Reminder to self:  Everyone you meet today is waging an inner battle you can’t see.  Be gentle.

Reminder to self: Rationality is not about knowing facts, but about recognizing which facts are relevant.

Reminder to self:  Opportunities are obligations with a pretty face.  Everything worthwhile still has costs, even if the net positive benefit is worth the cost. 

Reminder to self:  What I really need is more focus because I have all the time I need.

Reminder to self: Always play the long game (health, relationships, finances)

Reminder to self:  It’s bad when our teams get into rework, and disastrous when we get stuck in rehashing.

Reminder to self:  Competitive advantage is found in uneven distributions. 

Reminder to self: Solitude is not loneliness. 

Reminder to self:  There is more to reality than can fit in a spreadsheet.  “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” (Einstein)

Reminder to self:  Other people are thinking about you far less than you think they’re thinking about you. 

Reminder to self:  Ingenuity is the most limiting resource. 

Reminder to self:  Calendars are more useful than to-do lists for allocating time and energy to the most valuable work.

Reminder to self:  It’s not “Pay me or pay me later,” but “Pay me now or pay me more later.”  It’s not a can that you kick down the road.  It’s a grizzly bear cub and grows up meaner.  (There are exceptions to this but they’re relatively rare.)

Reminder to self: We become what we do.

Reminder to self:  Overcome excuses by asking “Do I have a knowing problem or a doing problem?”

Reminder to self: It’s not about you.

Reminder to self: The well-trained apprentice is a world-changer.

Reminder to self:  You have the foremost power of deciding where to put your attention, and energy. 

Reminder to self:  The world is more improved by your example than your opinion.

Reminder to self:  There are learning opportunities every day, but we need to pay attention and create time to reflect on events

Reminder to self:  A good education is expensive.  Second-rate education is far more expensive, because you learn the wrong things and waste years doing the wrong things.

Reminder to self:  Every path has a puddle.

Reminder to self: Momentum is built by accumulating small successes.

Reminder to self:  If you really want to do something, do it while you can. Someday may arrive too late.

Reminder to self:  Big opportunities arise from big problems

Reminder to self: You’ll have to climb a mountain to get to simplicity on the far side of complexity.

Reminder to self: Don’t put your faith in the common culture most everyone swims in

Reminder to self:  Even in fearful situations you still have the power of choice

Reminder to self:  Of course your first effort will be meh.  The power is in getting started and then improving.

Reminder to self: Excuses are incompatible with excellence.

Reminder to self: if something can’t go on forever, it will stop.

Reminder to self: Growth begins at the edge of comfortable.

Reminder to self: Never become content with mediocrity.

Reminder to self: Time is the most valuable currency in the workplace.

Reminder to self: Meetings are tools (means to an end) not an event. 

Reminder to self:  Time is not in short supply — but attention and focus are.

Reminder to self: Boldness brings its own kind of genius.

Reminder to self: Hope without action is not a strategy.

Reminder to self: Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

Reminder to self: Individuals play the game, and teams win the championship.

Reminder to self: Any time you see complexity you can look for opportunities. 

Reminder to self: Instead of looking for hundreds of reasons to quit, see the thousands of reasons not to give up.

Reminder to self: You maximize the rate of learning by tightening the feedback loops. 

Reminder to self: Even pigs fly when the tornado comes. Don’t translate occasional incidents into normal expectations.

Reminder to self: Gratitude energizes us forward; resentments and bitterness shackle us to the past.  

Reminder to self:  Maintain a sea-anchor of skepticism and realism to prevent your optimism from foundering in rough seas.

Reminder to self: Uncertainty is why we need leadership – and all leadership begins with self-leadership.

Reminder to self:  There is a big difference between wanting something, and purposefully deciding to get it.

Reminder to self: Busy is a dangerous word.

Reminder to self: Complexity naturally happens. Simplicity requires intelligence and action.

Reminder to self: Yesterday is yesterday.  I get to start again today. 

Reminder to self: We all make mistakes.  What defines us is how we respond to failure.

Reminder to self: You can’t delegate culture.

Reminder to self: Delegate does not mean abdicate.

Reminder to self:  The stupidity of the past need not be the future; the foolishness of others need not be contagious.

Reminder to self: You are always being evaluated.

Reminder to self: If all we needed was more information, we’d all be multimillionaires with 6-pack abs.